next official gathering: WED 12th feb 2025. 6pm est until late.

open world crime rp >Crystal
>The Brume
>wed & sat
>6pm est
>no ERP

Named for the number of street rats often crammed into the small lamplit nook behind the aetheryte, The Rat's Nest is a hive of criminals and lowlives who gather in The Brume to hang out and conduct all manners of business and get into trouble.Whether you're looking to buy or trade illegal goods and services, deal drugs, find contacts in dark places, or simply loiter somewhere far from the law, there's something here for every criminal, if you can stand the cold.

carrd by SANTO.

What is the rat's nest, anyway?

A twice-weekly open world pop-up event for criminals and criminal-seeking characters. Criminals may loiter, make contacts, play dangerous games, socialise and fight if they wish. Those who are just here for information, products or services are not encouraged to linger after doing business.There are sometimes characters around who may be selling items or services, they will be marked with a 'looking to meld materia' tag. While there are sellers, this is not a black market, it's a back alley.


Head to Zalera, Foundation aetheryte. Travel to The Brume Aethernet Shard, do a 180° and head round the corner past the NPC Goldin to the little nook with a slope. The surrounding area may also be used as an RP space, there's plenty of boxes to sit on and walls to /lean on and brood.


Important rules to abide by when roleplaying in and around The Rat's Nest.
These may seem strict, but in the interest of preserving the integrity and theme of the place, they are necessary.
Since The Rat's Nest is a gathering space for criminals of all kinds, there are going to be potentially dark subject matters written about.
However, to keep people comfortable, there are limitations, exceptions and expectations.
No warriors of light. No law enforcement.
The former goes without saying.
If your character is a temple knight who wants to bust a den of criminals, please don't. It ruins the fun and atmosphere. Cops are gonna be told to get lost. It's a criminal den.
Break the law, not the lore.
You may bend the lore, not break it. Lore is limiting, you can be creative but it must be something that could reasonably happen in game. No crossing universes, if your chara is from a different game in their backstory or takes lore from elsewhere, sorry, this isn't the place for you.
But DO break the law.
This is a place for criminals, or people seeking criminals. We want people who actually do crimes. Characters are going to wonder what the hell a random passerby or goodie two shoes is doing in the den. Or even what a completely legitimate and legal trader might be doing selling wares to to a bunch of violent thugs. The jeweled crozier is that way. You're probably going to get scared off if you stick out as a regular joe too much.
There will be absolutely no RPing sexual violence.
Violence is cool. Sexual assault isn't cool. At all. No one wants to read that shit and if you do love to read that shit then please leave the way you came in.
Keep your writing sane even if your character's actions aren't.
Some of us may be violent killers or engage in some torture here and there, and we welcome many brands of fucked-up characters but keep it in your pants. We're not writing a snuff film.
This is not a space to ERP.
If things get frisky, take it elsewhere. Innuendo and light flirting is not forbidden but don't be gratuitous please. We really, really don't want to read a scene of your characters making out in the corner. Promise.
Pardon the foul language, but...
Please no Quicksands gooners. I'm serious. If you're looking for someone to fuck, you're in the wrong place. Characters who are courtesans are completely fine so long as you're normal about it, but no soliciting in The Rat's Nest, please. There are so many places appropriate for that, and this isn't one of them.
Bring venue-appropriate behaviour, please.
Keep your clothes on. Turn off your NSFW mods. Don't ignore people who are trying to talk to you. If you're immediately hostile, expect kickback. No one likes cliques, broaden your horizons, everyone is equal, there are many opportunities to be had here. Excessive OOC chat can be saved for the CWLS.
Make sure your RP partner is comfortable at all times
Obtain consent to do actions that may cross the boundary into taking control of a scene or another person's character.
EG: Hey, my guy is angry at your guy and wants to punch him, are you ok with him trying that?
Use /tells or DMs and communicate with each other. Respect their boundaries. Speak up if you're uncomfortable with how a scene is going.
In character actions have in character consequences.
If you piss off a character, don't act surprised if they start a fight with you and so on. There's plenty of characters here who will happily beat the shit out of yours. Just use grindstone rules if you do get into a fight, then we can all watch!
If you're asked OOC to leave, please leave
Some characters simply don't belong here. Please respect the theme of the place. There are many places who welcome non-criminals, law enforcers or lore-breakers. Not here, though. It's not an elitist thing, we just like to keep it curated.
You may be challenged about your presence in-character, we understand some OCs aren't as innocent as they seem. If they prove to fit in, they're welcome here.


Five-Finger Fillet.

How to play

Roll /random 100 until you hit a multiple of 5.
However many rounds you complete before landing on a number that ends in a 5 or a 0 is your score. (If you land on a multiple of 5 the first round, your score is zero)
The player with the highest score wins.
Once you're done, roll a /random 5 to see which finger you stabbed. (1= thumb, 2=index finger and so on)


if you specifically roll the number 13, you sever your finger. Might want to hold onto that until you find a medic.The name of those who lose a finger to the game are written on the wall permanently for all to see. Whether that's a source of pride or shame is up to you!

Four finger champions


Got an idea for more games? Join our Discord! We have a suggestions channel.


Whilst The Rats Nest is not a black market, these characters are people offering perhaps less-than-legal goods and services. If they're around, feel free to approach them and strike up a deal. If you need an IC hook, your character has likely heard about them through the grapevine.Make sure to read their carrds to know how to properly conduct business, or you might leave feeling a little confused!Note: These products and services are to be sold and bought with IC RP gil only. Don't pay real gil for fictional items!

Victor Cadieux

thieves tools, jailbreaking, hit man, body cleanup. mystery concoctions?

Crow Griever

A fast and simple courier service with no questions asked. Your business is their secret.

Sayf-Ibn Dalmasca

A quiet surgeon. He won't ask, he'll just do.


Organizations and people that can supply your character with stock to purchase and distribute.

The Rose Garden

Every Rose is blessed with a Thorn
Supplying weaponry, custom or otherwise, to fit every and any need.

want to be listed as a vendor/supplier?

DM @netchasketch on Discord, or give a shout in The Rat's Nest server


Final Gambit

A no holds barred fight club packed with outrageous and entertaining violence

Fury's Flask

A cosy dive bar in The Brume


'Dragonhead' is a RP initiative, to assist in facilitating in-character role-play and engagement within the open world. Our objective is to promote community activity that doesn't entirely focus on venues. Are you a noble? An adventurer passing through? Perhaps you are a merchant looking to peddle your wares? Given that the Observatorium is a central location between Ishgard, The Shroud and Mor Dhona, it is very likely to meet people from all walks of life at this humble locale.

Do you run open world RP? Maybe a venue in Ishgard? A criminal organization? Contact @netchasketch on Discord and we'll sort something out!